Dry Strength Resin

OPL DSR (Dry Strength Resin) – Product Overview:

Our superior Dry Strength Resin, known as OPL DSR, is a highly sought after paper chemical that adds dry strength to paper. OPL DSR is available in three forms: anionic, cationic and amphoteric.

The main function of Dry Strength Resins is to increase strength per unit of bonded area between fibers in any sheet of paper. Dry strength additives are usually polymers of acrylamide - anionic, cationic and amphoteric. Using OPL DSR makes it possible to achieve strength goals while maintaining higher dewatering rates and lower density of paper.

Advantages of OPL DSR:

Orient Packaging’s Dry Strength Resins are used to/as:

  • Increase tensile strength of paper
  • Increase the degree of paper stiffness.
  • Allow for the substitution of weaker fibers.
  • Increase bulk through reduced stock refining
  • Reduce fiber costs by replacing long fiber with short fiber
  • Reduce Alum requirement
  • Over a wide PH range
  • Retention aid for rosin size and other fillers
  • Assist in drainage efficiency and increase machine speed
  • Save energy

OPL DSR (Dry Strength Resin) - Product Applications:

  • Tissues
  • Paper Towels
  • Printing and writing grades
  • Packaging and board grades

More about Dry Strength Resins (DSR)

The term "dry strength additives" refers to a variety of water-soluble polyelectrolytes. The term "Dry Strength Resin" is most often used in connection with anionic copolymers of acrylamide. Polymers of polyacrylamide were found to possess unique properties that made them especially effective as dry-strength resins. Anionic polyacrylamide and cationic polyacrylamide is made by by copolymerizing monomers with special co-monomers which consist of anionic and cationic substitutes. Relying on the controlled ratio of positively-charged and negatively charged groups on the polymer chain, anionic polyacrylamide and cationic polyacrylamide resin can efficiently increase paper-dry strength without causing unfavourable charge imbalance in pulp.

Polyacrylamide Dry Strength Resin increases efficiency of cationic starch. Its use makes it possible to reduce softwood content for tissue and towel.

For Technical data sheets (TDS), MSDS and latest price information, please email us at info@orientpackagings.com